Our Mission
Our mission is to improve the quality of life and health outcomes for people with Chronic Kidney Disease. We do this through our unique CARE approach. Kidney CARE.
Our President
Thank you for your interest in Kidney CARE Network International. In North America today, 1 in every 10 people is directly suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). When we consider patients’ families, friends, peers, and co-workers, however, the total number of people affected by it is much greater. Although CKD affects different people in different ways, it almost always has a significant impact on their their daily lives. For example, at advanced stages, CKD can restrict a patient’s eating habits, limit their physical functioning and impact their mental health. I urge you to consider helping us in our efforts to conquer CKD! Become part of the solution by considering a donation or by joining one of our dedicated teams. Help those affected by CKD to live as happy and healthy a life as possible.
Dr. Charmaine Lok
Our Story
Founded in 2013, Kidney CARE Network International uniquely addresses the needs of individuals involved with chronic kidney disease – patients and families affected by it, relevant health care providers, researchers, and the public, by leveraging the talents of a multifaceted student and professional voluntary workforce. Our membership seeks out, recognizes and focuses on the unique issues identified by individuals with chronic kidney disease; these patient focused issues become central to our activities. Activities are aimed to either directly enhance patient quality of life; educate patients, health care providers, and the general public about relevant chronic kidney disease related issues; or mobilize any or all of these groups to support and further advance critical kidney research programs.
Our Executive
Kidney CARE relies on the generous effort and support of a wide range of talented volunteers made up of students, patients and their family members, allied health care professionals, physicians and community volunteers.